
BELKI teknik ApS

BELKI teknik ApS

BELKI teknik ApS

About BELKI teknik ApS

Basic products combined with BELKI’s know-how create unique customised filtration solutions for process fluids

Starting from our basic range of high quality Greentech products, we manage our customers’ handling of process fluids.

Our primary areas are coolants, lubricants and washing fluids for degreasing.

Our creative process is based on highly valued, user driven innovation. At BELKI, we consider it an advantage to work in close collaboration with our customers in order to meet their high expectations. This process develops the innovative resources in our business and puts us at the forefront of development.

The keywords in the development process of our products are:

  • High process efficiency
  • Simplicity of construction
  • Low maintenance
  • Lowest possible use of consumables
  • High operating reliability
The aim of a BELKI product is to minimise environmental impact, create optimal production conditions and to be a wise investment. Innovation and development to serve the customer

We deliver everything from simple machines to complete, advanced central systems.


BELKI was founded in 1888, as an small village blacksmith right in the middle of Denmark.

During the next 100 years, until late 1970´s the workshop grew slowly to what today is a modern industrial manufacturer of filtration equipment.

The last 20 years we’ve specialised in filtration, and separations techniques especially in the area of Coolant, oil and other processing fluids

Today BELKI® employs approx. 25 in all, and holds 2000 sqm. Modern production facilities.

Oil Separators (211 H - 200 LS)

BELKI Oil Separator 211 H - 200 LS

Area of use
The BELKI Oil Separator is applied for removal of tramp oil and other surface contaminants from process fluids, e.g. coolants and deg...

Deep Bed Band Filter (4,5.60 - 12.20)

Deep Bed Band Filter 4,5.60 - 12.20

Area of use
A deep bed band filter is an all-round and reliable filter for filtration of fluids. The BELKI Deep Bed Band Filter can be used for m...

Lamella Separators (200 LS)

The BELKI lamella separator is applied for removal of tramp oil and other surface contaminants from process fluids, e.g. coolants and degreasers.

We manufacture and deliver equipment for se...

Inline Magnetic Filter

Magnetic filtration

Magnetic fine filtration of process fluids is particularly suited to filtration of fluids with particles from grinding and cast iron processing. The magnetic filter has va...

Magnetic Filters (3.10 M – 7.20 A)

Magnetic Filter 3.10 M – 7.20 A

Area of use
Magnetic fine filtration of process fluids is particularly suited to filtration of fluids with particles from grinding and cast iron pro...

Coolant Service Unit

Coolant Filtration Systems - Coolant Service Unit

Area of use
The BELKI Coolant Service Unit is used to separate tramp oil and small particles from process fluids, primarily coolan...

Surface Skimmer

BELKI offers a wide range of surface skimmers (suction devices) for our oil separators. We can supply the right tilting skimmer unit fitted to tank size, level variations and surface nature/condition....

Filter Maintenance Services

Filter Maintenance Services

The need for service is primarily relevant for larger central systems.
For the smaller central system the need is mainly the shipment of wear parts and other co...

Cooling Lubricant Systems Monitoring (BCS)

BELKI Check System for industrial cooling systems

Area of use
The BELKI Check System (BCS) is used on centralized or regional coolant systems where process management is important....

Central Coolant Filtration Systems

About central systems

We build and manufacture the most sustained central facility on the market for i.e. treating coolant.

Clean liquid last longer, and you dont have to use time for...