
HME - Technologies GmbH

HME - Technologies GmbH

HME - Technologies GmbH

About HME - Technologies GmbH

Our past

HME – Technologies GmbH was founded in January 2004 as a spin-off business of "HME Magnet + Elektronik GmbH". The recent spin-off allows us to better suit the changing market dynamics and to better serve our customers offering them ever improving products and services.

Our mission

We continually strive to:
- Deliver high quality products made to our clients' measure
- Consult our clients adding our profound technology knowledge
- Perform adequately in order to stay our clients' preferred and truly reliable long-term partner

Top credit rating (evaluation by D&B)

HME - Technologies GmbH holds the highest possible credit rating (D&B risk indicator: 1) by the international rating agency Dun & Bradstreet (D&B).
Only 2% of Switzerland's companies qualify for this credit rating class. The exceptionally high creditworthiness and economic stability reflect our company's values.

Our products

We provide high quality magnets and magnet related products made to measure (on demand) and delivered just-in-time since 1985 and therefore show a long and industry-wide respected track record in the magnet business.
We are expanding our business worldwide adding new products to our portfolio.

Our partners

We partner only with few proven select and competitive manufacturers based throughout the world enabling us to guarantee our customers the very best quality under reasonable price conditions.

Alnico Magets

Very sensitive to counter field but highly resistant against corrosion, for high temperature application with low temperature coefficient.

General Information:

Ferrite magnets

The material is composed of Iron Oxide, Strontium or Barium, and other materials added. Ferrite magnets are very popular and widely used because of their excellent resistance to demagnetizaion, cor...

Samarium-cobalt magnets (SmCo)

This group is formed by the magnets Samarium Cobalt (SmCo5 and Sm2Co17). Their main elements, the so-called Rare Earth Sm and Nd, belong to the lanthanide metal series of the periodic system of ele...

Neodymium-iron-boron magnets (NdFeB)

Best in magnetic performance and energy. The NdFeB magnet is currently the strongest one available.

General Information:
Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) magnets, of th...

Plastic Bonded Magnets

Ferrite, SmCo, or NdFeB mixed with plastic binder formed by compression or injection process, allow magnets in complex shapes and multipole magnetization.

General Information:

Plastic Bonded Magnets

Ferrite, SmCo, or NdFeB mixed with plastic binder formed by compression or injection process, allow magnets in complex shapes and multipole magnetization.

General Information:

Magnetic systems

General Information:
HME - Technolgies GmbH offers a full range of magnetic assemblies and has the ability to fabricate multi-component magnetic assemblies to the specificatio...

Rotor magnets

Laminated Rotor stack with 4 NdFeB magnets assembled

Holder Magnet

Magnets in combination with other products, like holders, locks, speaker systems, magnet modules, accoding to customer design.

Special Metals/ Alloys

Foil, Sheet, Plate/Block, Rund Bar, Tube, Wire, Powder

HME-Technologies offers high-quality magnets and magnet-related products, special and rare metals...

Refractory / rare / high temperature - metals
  • W (Tungsten)
  • Mo (Molybdenum)<...

27.01.2022 00:00

Neodym Magnet
HAST“ Technology for maximum NdFeB Magnet Quality

HME–Technologies provides high quality magnets and magnet related products, special and ra...

22.01.2024 16:00

Metals and alloys

Various shapes and forms, including powders

Available shapes:

  • ingot...

23.01.2023 00:00

Magnet systems

We can offer magnets in combination with other products, like holders, locks, speaker systems, ma...

23.01.2023 00:00

High quality magnets

We offer high quality magnets and magnet related products, made to measure and on demand, deliver...

23.01.2023 00:00

Metals and alloys

Various shapes and forms, including powders

Refractory / rare / high temperature - metals...