
MAICO Elektroapparate-Fabrik GmbH

MAICO Elektroapparate-Fabrik GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2008

MAICO Elektroapparate-Fabrik GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2008

About MAICO Elektroapparate-Fabrik GmbH

Be it through air extraction from apartments, heat recovery or ventilation systems for workplaces and industry: Offering 1,600 products, MAICO is one of the leading European manufacturers in the clean air industry. MAICO employs around 220 members of staff and is based in Schwenningen where it produces high-quality ventilation solutions. Service is a top priority for brand manufacturer MAICO. Customers are offered a full support package, starting with advance and planning assistance before making a purchase and extending to an extensive range of spare parts.