
amixon GmbH

amixon GmbH

  • ISO 9000
  • QS 9000

amixon GmbH

  • ISO 9000
  • QS 9000

About amixon GmbH

amixon® specialises in the development and manufacturing of processing equipment for the processing industry. One focus of the amixon® product range is the on sterile equipment which fulfils even the highest requirements in terms of hygiene. Continual innovations such as mixing devices and discharge processes for complete discharge have enabled amixon® to make further improvements in productivity and the hygiene standards of the process equipment. Many detailed solutions are protected by patent. The individual fabricated powder mixers, paste mixers, vacuum dryers, reactors, cone mixers, single-shaft mixers, twin-shaft mixers, vacuum mixers and container mixers find application in many different branches. We would be very happy to carry out pilots of your new products and procedures under development and invite you to view demonstrations in our factory laboratories in Paderborn, Memphis TN, USA or Osaka, Japan. The processes are demonstrated with your original products, the results interpreted and transferred to the parameters that you choose. This excludes risks associated with technical aspects of the process. Your investment is based on solid foundations.