
KLAUS Multiparking GmbH

KLAUS Multiparking GmbH

KLAUS Multiparking GmbH

Premium semi-automatic machine with pit (TrendVario 6100)

Automatic car park for 3 cars on top of each other, automatic Horizontal and vertical movement of the platforms, Pit required.

The TrendVario 4300 can be used to park three...

Fully automatic tower system (MasterVario R2L)

An automatic tower system from KLAUS Multiparking is always the right choice if little floor space is available.

Instead of expanding in width, the tower systems moves upw...

Fully automated high-bay racking (MasterVario R3L)

The elevator/shuttle systems do not only save space but also time.

One or several elevators move the vehicles to the upper or lower parking levels, where they are taken ove...

Parker with three levels (MultiBase G63)

Horizontal parking space for more than two cars on top of each other.

For easy parking of more than two cars on top of each other, the MultiBase G63 is just the right syste...

EV Charging Stations (E-Parking)

E-parking into an environmentally friendly future
KLAUS Multiparking GmbH will offer its double parkers on In the future, we would like to offer them with an electric charging station.