


  • ISO 9001:2000


  • ISO 9001:2000


RAYLASE AG develops and manufactures high-precision components and subsystems for the deflection, modulation and control of laser beam for laser systems from a few milliwatts up to several kilowatts. The company, which has its headquarters in Wessling, near Munich, and is certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, offers close consultancy work and customized products which are developed and optimized in cooperation with clients and their customers. A global network of distributors and representatives support the company’s international sales operation. The in-house applications laboratory provides for in-depth testing of the company’s own new developments, as well as for laser materials processing testing conducted in collaboration with clients. The products are particularly suitable for: Material processing such as marking, engraving, perforating, cutting, welding, rapid tooling, structuring, processing on the fly and 3D-applications. The revolutionary advance of PCD (Power Control Device), which makes it possible to dose the power of CO2 lasers, is opening up new and ground-breaking possibilities in terms of applications for many companies in the printing, packaging, electronics and automotive industries. Leading global laser system manufacturers and integrators are successfully using RAYLASE products, and are won over by the quality, reliability and flexibility of these products every bit as much as by the competence and expertise of RAYLASE AG as a company.