
Rifox-Hans Richter GmbH

Rifox-Hans Richter GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Rifox-Hans Richter GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

About Rifox-Hans Richter GmbH

The company RIFOX-Hans Richter GmbH Spezialarmaturen was founded in the year 1949 and had since then been soley engaged in the production and development of high quality steam traps for heat and energy economy, as well as fine dryers and filters for steam, gas and compressed air in the pressure range of PN 6 up to PN 320 and temperatures from minus 195° up to plus 550°C.

Shut-off valves

Shut-off valves

Control Fittings

Control Fittings

Vent valves

Vent valves

Condensate Separators

Condensate Separators

Machine construction

Machine construction

Condensate lifter

Condensate lifter