
Ruf Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Ruf Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Ruf Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

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Briquetting System for wood (RUF LIGNUM) by Ruf Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG

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Briquetting System for wood: RUF LIGNUM / 410-1,050 kg per hour

All briquetting systems of the RUF LIGNUM series process residual wood at a constantly high level of quality and density – from dust to wood shavings and coarse chips. Varying bulk densities are offset automatically. The pressing pressure of all models is sufficient to press loose chips into solid  briquettes. Binders are not required for this process.

The different models are equipped with motors ranging between 22kW and 75 kW. Here RUF exclusively utilizes electrical motors of the energy efficiency class IE3. The hydraulic system creates a specific pressing power of more than 1,700 kg/cm² during the briquetting process and thereby ensures a constantly high briquette quality, even in continuous operation. The throughput capacity of the RUF LIGNUM presses ranges between 410 and 1,050 kg/h.


  • suitable for fully automatic 24 hour operation
  • direct integration into existing production facilities
  • compact design
  • no special foundations necessary
  • easy installation

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