
Orts GmbH Maschinenfabrik

Orts GmbH Maschinenfabrik

Orts GmbH Maschinenfabrik

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Rope grabs by Orts GmbH Maschinenfabrik

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Rope grab

Mechanical rope grabs can have one rope, two ropes or four ropes. Some rare special cranes need 3- rope grabs. As the name suggests, mechanical grab is operated by means of cable / rope systems only (“pulley block / lifting block”) and requires no power supply or hydraulic lines. Mechanical grab is used for loading and unloading of bulk materials in ports, at industrial plants, as well as in ore smelting and blast furnaces’ operation. It is used in port facilities as well. Here a purely mechanical grab is a great advantage, because they are mechanical and robust. No electronics, no hydraulic parts. “Pimped” mechanical grabs with e.g. radio control and hydraulic system loose this advantage. Mechanical single rope grabs are the oldest grab- system. They are slower with less t/h and have a higher dead weight compare to motor grabs (diesel hydraulic or electro-hydraulic).

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