
Dautel GmbH

Dautel GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Dautel GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

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Special vehicles by Dautel GmbH

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DAUTEL LIFTERs have proven themselves for many years in use by fire brigades at home and abroad. Thanks to the design advantages, simple and logical operation, reliability and functional safety, the firefighter can rely on the Dautel LIFTER in the field when minutes or seconds are at stake.

Functionally safe, waterproof toggle switches in the external control with snap-action contact.
Moisture insensitive, 2-point foot control that can be driven over under load.
Very high wading capacity at high water, as the drive unit is mounted outside the support tube, laterally on the right in the direction of travel. Wading capacity up to approx. 800 mm depending on design and mounting situation!
Foldable platforms, height 1760 mm, with roll-off safety devices for rolling containers with wheel diameter max. 200 mm, width 800 mm.
Foldable platforms can be used with a special locking device as a drive-over ramp for ramp loading up to a drive-over load of 1500 kg.

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