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Flow Meter (FMC/FMJ) by FLUX-GERÄTE GmbH

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For low-viscosity, also slightly soiled

Nutating disc meter for mobile use with FLUX drum and container pumps (FMC 100) or stationary in plant engineering (FMC 250) for liquids up to max. 2500 cPs.

FMC 100
For manual or semi-automatic filling of different fluids

FLUX Flow meters, nutating disc type FMC 100, are designed for the use with FLUX drum pumps or for the stationary application e.g. in piping systems. With the evaluation unit FLUXTRONIC® filling and dosing processes of almost all kinds of fluids can be performed with maximum precision and highest safety. In automatic mode it is possible to output a signal for control purposes with the evaluation unit and the use of a switching amplifier.  This way e.g. motor and / or magnetic valve and the most different processes can be controlled.


  • Insensitive to small solids
  • Easy Handling
  • Control by PLC possible
  • Also for use in hazardous area
  • Easy assembly on pump
  • Batch operation possibl
  • Also for non-lubricating media

FMC 250
For plant engineering

FLUX flow meters FMC 250, built to the nutating disc principle (FMC), are designed for the stationary use in e.g. piping systems. With the evaluation unit FLUXTRONIC® filling and dosing processes of almost all kinds of fluids can be performed with maximum precision and highest safety. In automatic mode it is possible to output a signal for control purposes with the evaluation unit and the use of a switching amplifier.  This way e.g. motor and / or magnetic valve and the most different processes can be controlled.


  • Insensitive to small solids
  • Easy Handling
  • Control by PLC possible
  • Easy assembly
  • Batch operation possible

FMJ 100
For manual filling of various fluids

The FLUX flow meter FMJ 100, built according to the nutating disc principle,  can be used with FLUX drum pumps e.g. with the evaluation unit FLUXTRONIC® the filled quantity can be displayed. This way  filling and dosing processes of almost all kinds of fluids can be performed with maximum precision and highest safety.


  • Insensitive to small solids
  • Easy Handling
  • Easy  assembly on pump
  • Also for non-lubricating media

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