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Mixing Pumps (F 426) by FLUX-GERÄTE GmbH

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Pump F 426
For mixing and/or pumping

The F 426 is ideal for mixing and/or pumping inhomogeneous media. You can keep media moving that tend to segregate, even during pumping. With the outlet closed, e.g. via a hand nozzle, the F 426 can be temporarily operated as pure mixing pump. By turning the adjusting lever, the pump can be easily adjusted to "mixing" or "pumping". The pump is easy to dismantle for rapid cleaning. The pump is available in stainless steel and polypropylene. The stainless steel version can also be used in hazardous areas.


  • 3 operating modes in one pump:
    - Conveying
    - Conveying with simultaneous mixing
    - Temporarily mixed operation
  • Switching operating modes is possible even while operating
  • Easy to dismantle for cleaning
  • Distinct feature, only at FLUX: The inner tube is reinforced with a metal core on the PP model. It prevents leakage and unnecessary wear of the mechanical seal in all operating temperature ranges
  • Temporary operation against closed valve (e.g. hand nozzle, ball valve) is possible (until the indicated max. operating temperature has been reached.
  • Stainless steel version can be used in hazardous area

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