
Brinkmann Pumps K. H. Brinkmann GmbH & Co. KG

  • Manufacturer
  • Germany

Brinkmann Pumps K. H. Brinkmann GmbH & Co. KG

  • Manufacturer
  • Germany
  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Brinkmann Pumps K. H. Brinkmann GmbH & Co. KG

  • Manufacturer
  • Germany
  • DIN EN ISO 9001

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Horizontal End-Suction Pump (SBG1400…1700) by Brinkmann Pumps K. H. Brinkmann GmbH & Co. KG

Horizontal End-Suction Pumps are centrifugal inline pumps with a compact design where the impeller is mounted onto the extended motor shaft. These pumps are not self-priming and must be gravity fed. All pumps are equipped with a single mechanical seal. Upon request a second mechanical seal is available to allow for dry-running (-GD). This pump series is designed for horizontal installations next to a tank and for pumping highly air entrained coolant and cutting oils, as they occur in high speed grinding applications. The SBG pumps are equipped with the user-friendly 45 degree flange connection which allows for either vertical or horizontal pipe connection and the connection of a pressure gauge with G ¼.
  • Types of fluid: coolants, cooling/cutting oils, grinding oils
  • Axial/semi-open impellers
  • Capacity max: ...2200 l/min
  • Head max: ...42 m

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