
AIR CONCEPT Druckluft-Systeme GmbH

AIR CONCEPT Druckluft-Systeme GmbH

AIR CONCEPT Druckluft-Systeme GmbH

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Pressure Air Pipe System (simplyair) by AIR CONCEPT Druckluft-Systeme GmbH

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  • The new simplyAIR air pipe system is very simple and easy to mount
  • Made possible by the newly-developped technology that is far superior to other fastening systems
  • You will safe a lot of time and money
  • Compressed air can be drawn off anywhere you want
  • This permits modifications to be made quickly and without any problem. They can be done without having to shut down the system or interrupting operation. Thus, a decision in favour of simplyAIR is a decision with a future.
  • The heart of this innovative pipe system is a light rectangular pipe made from extruded aluminium. It is corrosion-resistant and especially aerodynamic
  • Aluminium compbines all advantages of conventional materials like steel, plastics or copper, yet avoids their drawbacks such as rough surface structure, sagging pipes and corrosion etc.

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