
Systea GmbH

  • EN 1090

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Special Solutions by Systea GmbH

Product inquiry  

Extraordinary facade designs often present huge challenges not only to the sub-structure but also to the installation. 

Whenever standard systems are not sufficient, SYSTEA offers tailored special solutions in order to make even the most spectacular building envelopes and facades possible.

The architectural project „The Wave“ (Vejle, Denmark) has received a number of awards and is a supreme example from the well-known architects’ practice Henning Larsen. We were faced here with securing the flowing roof and facade constructions clad with tiles, which transition into one another safely and at the same time with an ambitious visual appearance.

A further prime example of outstanding architecture is „Le vaisseau de verre“ designed by the star architect Frank Gehry for the Fondation Louis Vuitton (Paris, France). The extraordinary cubature of the building, with no wall being the same as the other, presents the highest demands on the sub-structure.

Through close co-operation with all parties participating in this project, SYSTEA was also able to make a contribution at the early stages of design to ideas not just remaining ideas.

Product inquiry