
LTA Lufttechnik GmbH

LTA Lufttechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • VDA 6.4

LTA Lufttechnik GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • VDA 6.4

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Smokers Booths (AirBox) by LTA Lufttechnik GmbH

Product inquiry

  • Protection of non-smokers
  • Improved employee satisfaction
  • Preventive fire protection
  • Capture and purification of all harmful substances
The AirBox smoker‘s booth creates a pleasant and healthy air climate in your company. This will not only help improve employee satisfaction, but you will also be making a contribu-tion towards ensuring the protection of non-smokers in your company.

Using the proven electrostatic separation principle, the discharged air is purified and released back into the atmosphere. The exhaust air system efficiently traps fumes and smoke particles. The integrated ashtrays are also connected to the exhaust air system.

Both smoke particles and nicotine, alongside a range of other pollutants, are deposited in the electrofilter. The remaining pollutants and odorous compounds are trapped by an active carbon filter. Unlike purely mechanical filtration systems, the electric filter is able to consistently maintain its suction capacity, and be cleaned and reused any number of times. The characteristic feature of the electrostatic filter is its very low pressure loss. This ensures that the blowers operate with a minimum pressure head, resulting in low power consumption. In addition, integrated movement sensors ensure that suction is only activated on demand, further optimizing consumption.

Product inquiry