
Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Zulassung z. Kistenbauart A 1589X + 1589Y, Gefahrgut
  • ISO 14001

Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Zulassung z. Kistenbauart A 1589X + 1589Y, Gefahrgut

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Pharmaceutical containers by Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

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For the particularly high requirements that apply in these industries, Gmöhling has developed packaging with standards that are relevant for the transport and storage of pharmaceutical and chemical products.

Medicines that fall under the narcotics law are protected against access by third parties by our containers, and tablet feeders can also be used as storage containers. Autoclavable cupboard trolleys as well as special cupboard trolley designs for additional protection of your products against light, temperature changes, humidity or vibrations are also no problem. We also offer patented screwable pallets for the clean room.

These special containers meet the hygiene and quality requirements demanded in these industries as well as the strict regulations for transport and storage.

Special transport boxes are available for hazardous materials, which are described in the brochure on containers for hazardous materials.

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