
Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Zulassung z. Kistenbauart A 1589X + 1589Y, Gefahrgut
  • ISO 14001

Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Zulassung z. Kistenbauart A 1589X + 1589Y, Gefahrgut

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Laundry trolleys by Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

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Working as light as a feather with a spring base trolley made of anodised aluminium has proven itself in laundries, hospitals as well as nursing homes worldwide.

Thanks to the spring base, back-friendly work is guaranteed - fast, easy handling without bending. Due to the constant loading and unloading height, the load can always be removed or collected in an ergonomically favourable posture.

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