
Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Zulassung z. Kistenbauart A 1589X + 1589Y, Gefahrgut
  • ISO 14001

Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • Zulassung z. Kistenbauart A 1589X + 1589Y, Gefahrgut

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Ballot box (G®-VOTE A 1569) by Gmöhling Transportgeräte GmbH

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The Gmöhling ballot box is the perfect voting solution not only for general elections but also for private ballots, such as at your workplace, social club or school. The container can even be used for drawing lots or the winners of raffles.

The ballot box is made from sturdy aluminium. To prevent tampering, the boxes can be locked and have a narrow slot in the lid – they can even be sealed with lead for ultimate security. The boxes come in different designs so that you can make the right choice for your needs.

You can also customise the box with stickers if you wish. 

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