Product inquiry
CEWE analogue and panel instruments IQ96
CEWE offer a comprehensive range of analogue and panel instruments for use in control and instrumentation systems. The range includes moving-iron and moving-coil mechanisms in a variety of formats, scales and sizes. All CEWE panel meters are robust, accurate and constructed from high-quality materials to give a long service life. Ammeters, voltmeters and power meters are available with a large range of scales and can be further customised for special applications.
Features Range of standard front panel sizes: 48x48, 72x72 and 96x96 mm
Range of scales: quadrant (90°), circular (240°) and edgewise
Options for different mounting positions: horizontal, vertical or angled
Optional protective coatings and materials for use in tropical environments
Ingress protection rating IP 54 across the range (option for IP 65)
Wide temperature range: -25 °C to +50 °C
Adjustable red markers for meters with quadrant scales
Models available for AC or DC measurement
Measured parameters:
- Current
- Voltage
- Frequency
- Power (active or reactive)
- Power factor
- Maximum demand (current)
- Synchronisation (pointer synchroscope, twin voltmeter or twin frequency meter)