
ITT Enidine GmbH

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Viscous Dampers / Seismic Dampers by ITT Enidine GmbH

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Earthquake Dampers / Seismic Dampers

Viscous dampers (also known as seismic dampers) are hydraulic devices that dissipate the kinetic energy of seismic events and cushion the impact between structures. They are versatile devices that can be designed to allow free movement as well as controlled damping of structures to protect them from wind load, thermal motion, or seismic events.

Our seismic dampers are well-suited for large displacement and/or large load applications such a bridges, buildings, and other large structures. Available in ratings up to 1,000 KIP.

Seismic Damper Bench Testing

  • Static Testing – Including precision electromechanical machines with programmable controllers
  • Drop Testing – Up to 4,000 lbs. and 600 in./sec.
  • Vibration – Electromechanical shakers with digital controllers
  • Dynamic Testing – Up to 500,000 lbs. at 80 in./sec.
  • 3D CAD Software, Solidworks
  • Finite Element Analysis, COSMOS
  • Dynamic Software, Visual Nastran
  • Structural Analysis, SAP 2000


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