Gebr. Liebisch GmbH & Co. KG
Gebr. Liebisch GmbH & Co. KG
Metal Block Thermostats (FRIOTHERM®) by Gebr. Liebisch GmbH & Co. KG
as Friotherm-Thermobil
More Products in the Area of Metal Block Thermostats
Metal Block Thermostats (Epptherm ®)
EPPTHERM® is the metal block thermostat with fixed heating block and holes especially for thermostating 0.5 / 1.5 / 2.0 ml reaction vessels.
The working temperature range is adapte...
Metal Block Thermostats (Thermobil ®)
THERMOBIL® offers maximum flexibility in the laboratory. Various samples can be used with the exchangeable monoblocks in a metal block thermostat. The heated tub is milled from solid aluminum a...
Metal Block Thermostats (Evaporator ®)
The EVAPORATOR® consists of a metal block thermostat which is combined with the patented multiplex valve depot for evaporation and evaporation of a wide variety of samples under targeted gas su...
Metal Block Thermostats (Liebisch Regelbox)
With the optional control box you can "remote control" all metal block thermostats.
Instead of the permanently installed PID controller, all Liebisch thermostats can be equipped with the...