
Irlbacher Blickpunkt Glas GmbH

Irlbacher Blickpunkt Glas GmbH

  • DIN ISO 9001:2015
  • DIN ISO 50001:2018

Irlbacher Blickpunkt Glas GmbH

  • DIN ISO 9001:2015
  • DIN ISO 50001:2018

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Quartz glass reflector by Irlbacher Blickpunkt Glas GmbH

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Technical Glass. Processed. Accurate to Microns.

That’s how we started. Almost 85 years ago. And to this day nobody has done it better. Glass cannot be cut by chip removal. We grind it. And turn technical drawings, DXF- or Step-files – or quite generally CAD data – into workpieces accurate to microns. How exactly does that work? So abstract, that is difficult to explain. It would be better if you visit us in Schönsee. Looking at the machine, after a few explanatory words this is no longer a secret …

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