
Lehnert GmbH

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Mobile protective partitions by Lehnert GmbH

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In many areas of daily working life, personal presence and direct
customer contact are essential, such as in public administrations, customer centers, construction site offices, sales and consulting offices, etc.
For this reason, KONOA has put together a portfolio of protective and hygiene products.


You know us as a reliable partner for consulting, planning and project realization
of area-efficient, acoustically highly effective room designs, mainly
in the field of office real estate, through the use of glass sound shielding in
combination with highly absorbent acoustic elements.
The KONOA concept, due to the systematic zoning through shielding and absorption, automatically makes a substantial contribution to the Social Distancing that is needed right now. However, these systems require precise and detailed planning, tailored to the individual structural and
work requirements, and therefore have a certain lead time.
In the current situation in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, however, swift action is required to protect your employees and business partners. In
many areas of daily working life, personal presence and direct customer contact are essential, such as in public administrations, customer centers, construction site offices, sales and consultation offices, etc.

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