
LOVATO Electric GmbH

LOVATO Electric GmbH

  • ACAE
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 14001:2015
  • OHSAS 18001:2007

LOVATO Electric GmbH

  • ACAE
  • ISO 9001:2015

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Thyristors by LOVATO Electric GmbH

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  • Suitable for dynamic (fast) power factor correction
  • Silent operation
  • Zero-crossing switching
  • Monitoring and protection of the current, power and currentharmonics of the capacitor bank: thanks to the presence ofintegrated current transformers, it is possible to monitor andprotect the capacitor bank against overcurrents caused byevents like the distortion of the voltage waveform. It is alsopossible to monitor electrical measurements of the capacitorbank such as the residual power three-phase voltages andcurrents, temperatures, THDI, morning hours, etc..
  • Over-temperature protection via built-in sensor and inputfor the optional external temperature sensor NTC 01 forthe measure of the temperature in the area of installationof the capacitors
  • Ready to work without need of any programming whenused with standard features
  • NFC connectivity for parameter settings and programmingof the protection thresholds (overtemperature,overcurrent,overvoltage,..) with the APP Lovato
  • Optical port for programming and diagnostic withsoftware and APP,connection with USBdongle (CX 01) or Wi-Fi dongle (CX 02)
  • Command circuit made by 8...30VDC signal or dry contact(which allows to save the use of a power supply)
  • Optional RS485 communication card (code EXC 10 42) forthe command and monitoring from power factorcontroller type DCRG8F; from the display of DCRG8F isalso possible to monitor the status and the measurements(temperature, power,..) of each DCTL
  • 1 programmable relay output with changeover contact forthe signaling of alarms or fan command
  • Possibility to install the thyristor modules DCTL in bothvertical and horizontal position without derating, thanks tothe built-in fans
  • Monitoring of the functioning of the fans with the analogmeasure of the current through integrated sensor, whichallows to control the status of the fan and recognizeautomatically any fault like jamming or disconnection
  • Power connections with double screw terminals (for sizesup to 60kvar), which simplify the wiring, in particular forthe connection of more thyristor modules in parallel; it isalso possible to decide to cable or not the central phaseaccording to the layout of the power factor correction pane
  • Panel fixing with screw or on DIN guide with the optionalaccessoryEXP80 03 (only for sizes up to 60kvar

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