
Humboldt Verpackungstechnik GmbH

Humboldt Verpackungstechnik GmbH

Humboldt Verpackungstechnik GmbH

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Roller conveyors by Humboldt Verpackungstechnik GmbH

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Ball conveyors made of steel or  plastic rolls

Ball conveyors are suitable for all-round movement of the transported material at distribution, rotation and branching points. The conveyed must have a flat and stable floor and must not push through the selective load.
The material to be conveyed must be at least 200 mm wide - refer to the rolls arrangement per axle.

  • frame, U-profile 20 / 70 / 20x2 mm steel, galvanized
  • ball conveyor diameter 48 mm, plastic with plain bearing
  • for use in dry areas with normal temperature
  • the load capacity of the roller track is dependent on the web width, roller spacing and distance between struts

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