
Wipa Werkzeug - u. Maschinenbau GmbH

Wipa Werkzeug - u. Maschinenbau GmbH

Wipa Werkzeug - u. Maschinenbau GmbH

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Plast Compactor by Wipa Werkzeug - u. Maschinenbau GmbH

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The WiPA Plast Compactor of the PC series is used for gentle processing of thermoplastic materials. In a continuous process the material is heated to its specific softening temperature area which is below the corresponding melting point. The result is a high-quality agglomerate with high bulk density, easy to dose, with lowest possible thermal damage.
Here are some examples for the wide variety of applications of WiPa Plast Compactors for thermoplastic materials:
  • Agglomeration of films, fibres, PET flakes, production scrap, foamed materials and powder Compacting of any kind of thermoplastic material
  • Volume reduction/ increase of bulk density
  • Drying of plastics
  • Compounding
  • Re-crystallization
  • Production of free-flowing and dosable bulk material with high density

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