
Magtrol SA

Magtrol SA

  • ISO 9001:2008

Magtrol SA

  • ISO 9001:2008

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Signal Converters (CST 113) by Magtrol SA

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To complete your displacement measurement system Magtrol offers the CST 113 Signal Converter, designed specifically for transducers delivering a signal of 4 to 20 mA. Either a voltage-based signal (I/U conversion) or a current-based signal (I/I) can be chosen as the converter output, along with signal inversion if required. A large variety of offset and gain values can be selected, matching all sorts of specific applications. The use of micro switches (DIP switches) and potentiometers enable easy on-site adjustments and the independent settings make it possible to calibrate the CST 113 in one displacement, from the minimal to the maximum position of the jack.

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