
MMT Mannel Magnettechnik GmbH

MMT Mannel Magnettechnik GmbH

  • DIN ISO 9001:2015

MMT Mannel Magnettechnik GmbH

  • DIN ISO 9001:2015

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Linear Solenoids (D-frame) by MMT Mannel Magnettechnik GmbH

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The D-shaped linear solenoid

The solenoid function here is also pulling or pushing. Like its counterpart with the C-frame, this solenoid, which is also operated with alternating current, can work in a pulling or pushing mode. As a lifting solenoid, you need 12 volts, 24 volts or 230 volts, as a pulling solenoid, 12 volts or 230 volts - depending on the application. The D-frame linear solenoid is ideal for use in locking systems.

Size/ unit: Range
Voltage [V] : 12VDC/ 24VDC (special voltages on request):
Duty cycle [%] : 5/ 10/ 25/ 40/ 100
Force [N] : 0.3 - 30
Stroke length [mm]: 1.5 - 20
Protection class cable [IP]:IP 00/ IP40
Protection class device [IP]: IP 00/ IP40
Accessories: fork head; return springcking spring, threaded pin
Thermal class [C°]: up to F 155 (special classes on request)

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