
Ultra Controlo International Lda

Ultra Controlo International Lda

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
  • DIN EN ISO 13485:2003

Ultra Controlo International Lda

  • DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
  • DIN EN ISO 13485:2003

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Hospital Industrial Compressed Air (ACIH) by Ultra Controlo International Lda

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Hospitals need compressed air for many purposes. Some are vital for operating important systems. According to ISO 7396-1, it is not allowed to use medicinal air for any other application than for medical usage. To provide a good solution Ultra-Controlo has developed special compressed air plants so called ACIH to provide clean and dry air to all other Hospitals applications. These systems has to run also with redundancy and needs to report all sort of faults in order that a continuous delivery of compressed air can be granted.

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