
JVL Industri Elektronik A/S

JVL Industri Elektronik A/S

  • ISO 9000

JVL Industri Elektronik A/S

  • ISO 9000

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NanoPLC Module (MAC00-R3) by JVL Industri Elektronik A/S

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This module is also called "nanoPLC” because it is a programmable logic controller with IO. It has 8 inputs and 4 outputs all with 24V PNP and opto-coupler. Also advanced mathematical function like +-*/ are available. Typical applications for this module are stand-alone operation where the MAC motor must be able to operate as a complete positioning system without the need for an external PLC. While the program is running it is also possible to use the RS232/RS485, on the fly, to modify parameters such as position, speed etc.

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