
Heun Werkzeugmaschinen & Industriebedarf GmbH

Heun Werkzeugmaschinen & Industriebedarf GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

Heun Werkzeugmaschinen & Industriebedarf GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

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Electrode Changers (APos CNC Robot) by Heun Werkzeugmaschinen & Industriebedarf GmbH

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We offer you an electrode changer for the EDM-drilling machines of the APos-series with the following technical details:
- electrode changer 10-/20-times - option 60-times
- changes electrodes of diameters from 0.5 to 3.0 mm
- diameter adapting of the electrode guide
- only possible with APos-CNC-Pentium version

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