
NOBAG Nobs Engineering AG

NOBAG Nobs Engineering AG

NOBAG Nobs Engineering AG

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Cold presses by NOBAG Nobs Engineering AG

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NOBAG develops and manufactures mechanical and hydraulic cold forming presses for all kinds of applications and metals. As a specialist in this area, we take the lead in the production of pistol, infantry and medium calibre cases.

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More Products in the Area of Cold presses

Cold presses

NOBAG develops and manufactures mechanical and hydraulic cold forming presses for all kinds of applications and metals. As a specialist in this area, we take the lead in the production of pistol, infa...

Cold Flow Presses

Our experience hit the bull’s eye and your wishes on solutions. Comprehensive ability in manufacturing cold flow presses for pistol-, infantry- and middle calibre cartridges will meet your highest ex...

Cold Flow Presses

NOBAG entwickelt und produziert mechanische und hydraulische Pressen zum Kalt-Verformen von Hohl- und Massivkörpern aus Stahl, Aluminium und Buntmetallen. Als Kompetenzzentrum für umformtechnische Bel...