



10.05.2020 01:05

10% increase for 35th birthday

Engineering software expert cautiously optimistic despite coronavirus crisis

Aucotec AG, an engineering software developer for exactly 35 years now, is still continuing to grow. Preliminary figures for the financial year which ended in March show a new record, with an increase in turnover of 10% compared to last year's all-time high. The independent software company even recorded an increase of 30% in terms of orders received.

"We have an excellent, highly motivated team and we have a sophisticated engineering platform that is in the right place at the right time," explained Management Board member Uwe Vogt with respect to the company's success. He thinks that now, in particular, it is meeting the enormous demand for "real" digitization in the designing of machines, plants and mobile systems.

Distributed engineering more important than ever

According to Vogt, digitization has recently become significantly more important: "This dire Covid-19 pandemic is also a driving force for digitization," he said. According to him, the ability to work consistently in a globally distributed manner on a joint project and a web-based overview of project progress for everyone responsible are more important than ever. These are basic principles of Aucotec's platform Engineering Base (EB), which are particularly relevant in times of compulsory working from home.

Support team increased for swift assistance

Aucotec has currently increased its support team for the provision of advice and support to its customers. The team helps swiftly and unbureaucratically, for example, in switching access from home workstations to the company's own license server. All in all, however, the number of requests has not increased significantly. "This shows how flexible and up-to-date EB is and that the system is keeping its promise to be an enabler for digitization at the highest possible level," said the Management Board member.

Full steam ahead through challenging times

Thus Uwe Vogt is cautiously optimistic, even though the economic effects of the global pandemic cannot be seriously predicted at the moment. The persons responsible at Aucotec are constantly monitoring and analysing developments and will extend measures if necessary. According to Vogt, Aucotec's ultimate goal is to continue full steam ahead to support customers and assist them in progressing on their digitization path: "To this end, we want to steer Aucotec and the entire workforce in such a manner through the challenging times that we will be optimally prepared for the continuation of our growth strategy after the crisis."

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