process control technology state-of-the-art
Botec is celebrating an anniversary – our process control system is 25 years old and is meanwhile up and running in approximately 2,550 installations: two figures that speak for themselves. The application categories for Botec have been extended: Originally mainly known for the automation of brewery processes, the system is now also being deployed by producers of juices, soft drinks or
spirits – i.e. by anyone running batch-oriented production. It all began with Botec Classic; its successor SitePilot Botec F1 has meanwhile been on the market since 2001, and has been continually design-enhanced ever since. In this article I shall explain in detail why clients should be thinking about an upgrade right now.
Botec and its constituentsAn outstanding feature of the system is the reproducibility of the manufacturing process, which of course means a high level of quality assurance can be guaranteed, together with raw-materials economy and energy-efficiency. Botec enables all the steps in the production process to be planned, controlled, monitored, documented and evaluated. The system is ideally suited for these tasks, and for this purpose uses three principal components: Botec Control, Botec Batch and Botec Visu.