
Bundesverband für Wirtschaftsförderung und Außenwirtschaft Global Economic Network e.V. (BWA)

Bundesverband für Wirtschaftsförderung und Außenwirtschaft Global Economic Network e.V. (BWA)

Bundesverband für Wirtschaftsförderung und Außenwirtschaft Global Economic Network e.V. (BWA)

06.11.2017 00:11

2b AHEAD Draper Bootcamp – January 5-9, 2018 in Leipzig

2b AHEAD and Draper University are excited to invite Germany's startups scene to one of the most extraordinary bootcamps in 2018

2b AHEAD is Europe’s leading future institute and has its own startup company builder named “2b AHEAD Ventures” based in Leipzig, Germany. Draper University was founded by Tim Draper, the legendary Silicon Valley venture capitalist who invested in companies such as Baidu, Tesla and Skype.
Together we invite Germany's most ambitious startup enthusiasts, founders, business angels and corporate executives to an intensive bootcamp. A team of seven experienced coaches and investors from Silicon Valley will be in Leipzig January 5 – 9, 2018.

We enable 150 entrepreneurs of the German startup scene to live the Silicon Valley spirit and receive professional world-class support in a three-day Startup Bootcamp. Afterwards, 40 angel investors and corporate executives will receive compact insights into the strategies, methods and ways of thinking of a highly professional angel investment in an intensive two-day Investor Bootcamp.

Startup Bootcamp January 5-7, 2018
In an intensive three-day Startup Bootcamp we enable 150 startup enthusiasts and entrepreneurs of the German startups scene to live the Silicon Valley spirit and receive professional world-class support. Participants of the Startup Bootcamp will learn how to validate ideas quickly using the Lean Startup Method and Design Thinking. Moreover, they learn how to develop their own prototypes even with little technical knowledge. Participants will also learn which key factors are crucial for the growth of their startup. In doing so, they deal intensively with financing, dealings with potential customers and the further development of products. The experienced Silicon Valley coaches will also teach participants how to build a network with the appropriate range. At the end of the Startup Bootcamp, the entrepreneurs have the chance to pitch in front of an expert jury and receive valuable feedback.

Investor Bootcamp January 8-9, 2018
Up to 40 stakeholders, angel investors and executives from national companies gain exclusive insights into Silicon Valley investors' mindsets, strategies and methods. Who are the key persons and institutions? How do they interact? How can synergies be generated? Participants will learn how Tim Draper has built his startup ecosystem in both Silicon Valley and around the world. Moreover, they will get to know how to use his experience for their own activities and projects. In addition, the participants learn more about the right timing and conditions for investing in startups. They dig into the process of both angel investing and early-stage institutional investing. They learn key terminology, foundation skills, and best practices straight from Silicon Valley. The participants also get trained in asking the right (and often times hard) questions when assessing an investment opportunity, assessing and negotiating cap tables and term sheets. They will additionally get a feeling for managing their relationships and protect their shares post-investment. Finally, the participants themselves become the jury, evaluate startup pitches and receive exclusive feedback from Silicon Valley investors and coaches.