
igus® GmbH

igus® GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

igus® GmbH

  • DIN EN ISO 9001

18.04.2017 00:04

New igus servo cables with the world's smallest bend radius

Safe movement in energy chains with a bending factor of 6.8xd, even in temperatures of -35°C

At the 2016 SPS IPC Drives, igus presented its new CF29 servo cable series - one of several new high-end cable families for continuous motion in e-chains with an outer jacket made of halogen-free TPE. This product range extension offers completely new possibilities for energy supply to drives, for users with very tough requirements such as ambient temperatures or small installation space.

A core structure optimised for motion combined with a gusset-filling extruded TPE inner jacket that provides even more stability as well as a highly flexible TPE outer jacket are the features of the new CF29 chainflex servo cable series. The high-end series is suitable for the smallest bending factors for servo cables down to 6.8xd and is therefore unique on the market. The new series offers a guaranteed solution in a temperature range of -35°C so can be even used for moving applications in deep-freeze warehouses. This is made possible by the igus halogen-free TPE outer jacket material, which offers an almost unlimited resistance to oil. This has been used for other chainflex cable series for years. In order to offer its customers an even better selection, igus is now expanding its high-end range with this new servo cable and an additional series for data and bus cables.

Even more choices - guaranteed to last
All cables were successfully tested in a climatic test chamber with real-world mechanical loads and temperatures, within the 2,750-square-metre-large test laboratory at igus. This allows the cable manufacturer to guarantee a service life of 36 months for all cables. And this applies even for cables for the highest dynamics and the most complicated movements. The chainflex service life calculator ( helps you to make the ideal selection, and gives you the expected service life of each cable in double strokes after entering the respective application parameters. This allows customers to choose the cable that works reliably in their applications - without having to spend too much.

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