
CWK Chemiewerk Bad Köstritz GmbH

CWK Chemiewerk Bad Köstritz GmbH

CWK Chemiewerk Bad Köstritz GmbH

About CWK Chemiewerk Bad Köstritz GmbH

In the heart of Germany, we produce high-quality specialty chemicals in the product groups silicas, molecular sieves and sulfur compounds.

Worldwide, CWK stands for quality, process reliability and sustainable progress. We support our customers with tailor-made materials in the implementation of their individual tasks. Professional commitment always goes hand in hand with living responsibility for our social and ecological environment.

Get to know us and learn more about CWK. We look forward to a stimulating exchange.

Because the chemistry is right.

Ammonium Thiosulfate (7783-18-8)

Ammonium Thiosulfate (7783-18-8)

Sulfur compounds

Sulfur compounds

Sodium Thiosulfate (7772-98-7)

Sodium Thiosulfate (7772-98-7)

Silica sols

Silica sols

Silicic Acid (7699-41-4)

Silicic Acid (7699-41-4)

Molecular sieves

Molecular sieves

Potassium sulphites (E 224) (10117-38-1)

Potassium sulphites (E 224) (10117-38-1)

Potassium Thiosulphate

Potassium Thiosulphate