
KS Nutripharma

KS Nutripharma

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO22000

KS Nutripharma

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO22000

28.07.2022 00:00

Marigold extract

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Marigold extract is the most popular specification in the world market, it is widely added into healthcare products to protect human eyes. The natural ingredient of KingSci marigold extract lutein and zeaxanthin is non-toxic and safe, has excellent physiological effects and is in line with the development direction of "natural", "nutritional" and "multifunctional" food additives. Lutein is a kind of fat-soluble vitamin, and its absorption spectrum contains near blue-violet light, which can help the retina of eyes to resist ultraviolet rays. It is an important antioxidant for the eyes, supplementing a large amount of lutein to the human body helps to maintain the durability of vision and reduce visual damage.

KingSci BioTech specializing in Marigold flower extract with high quality and competitive prices for many years. We have a Marigold flower plantation base in China to control quality from original source. At the same time, for lutein powder, we have set up 2 warehouses in the US to supply the North American market and support 3rd test. Any inquiries pls feel free to contact us!


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Weiyang district

End Date
01.08.2023 13:25